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How the future development according to the situation, PPP involves too wide
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-12-19 15:54:30
I think to a new stage, Professor Wang said that 2014 is the first year, I agree, this era is the start of the year. Last year eighteen big later puts forward the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, this is the theoretical basis of. Last year after fiscal work conference of Ministers of specialized PPP report. These things are done very obvious, is to put the fire lit, the national development and Reform Commission, Ministry of finance, the Ministry of housing construction international organizations were involved in. Last October the National People's Congress decided, the State Council is responsible for the development and Reform Commission to take the lead, let.
From 1994 to now twenty years, PPP has experienced five stages.
The first stage is before 1994 is a stage, a young man called exploration stage. From the reform and opening up to 1994 this period of time, a lot of reform and opening up foreign investment coming in, there are some money into infrastructure, but not much. Typical was the Guangdong power plant, built a power plant using BOT. Beijing Railway Station next to the Hotel Internazionale is also called BOT.
The second stage of the pilot phase, probably from 1994 to 2002, this time the project is not many, some projects do call pilot. Including local pilot projects, and five projects, the national launch of the Guangxi power plant, there are sixth water plant in Chengdu, and in Changsha Wangcheng power plant is not made, there is a Guangdong Yangjiang to electropositive expressway, five projects made two, three did not make.
This is the state of the pilot, the pilot brought law rules to us. Beijing city pilot also did some research and made the tenth Waterworks of Beijing, is actually a troubled project. Tenth water plants have some experience of some of the practices from the sixth water plant. So in 2008 to 2009, because the time is long. Over the same period in domestic and other. Why do I say this time is the pilot, in each area to find basically is the one or two project. The front is the exploration of the central government, the following is the local government explore. Clear that the pilot project. There are power plants, water, and roads.
The pilot project pilot and various locations of the central government, some people have gained experience some learned. This period of time is important, for the whole of the rules of BOT, including the formation of subsequent files, use today a lot of some of the provisions, many of them from the time of the rules, including some practices.
When we do tenth waterworks, file has two trucks, each bidder, a database, very full of information. All bidding documents are a few items, a total of two trucks. There are about four meters long trucks, five guys got a night, the data get very orderly. What this question also? Leadership was a little dissatisfied, get so many files can not be separated from the consulting company. Then he started to simplify, simplify is also in our simplified. Xiaojiahe is built around 2000, when no agreement, supplementary agreement specification is less trouble. The entire file is mature. I think this stage is the pilot phase.
The third stage is the beginning of 2003 to 2008, it is a promotion stage. Mayor Wang to the Ministry of construction when the Secretary, Department of the Ministry of urban construction please we do plan. There is a small yellow, then called marketization, privatization and think a lot, then says to still make industrialization. The Ministry of construction out of a document, in 2002, this thing is burning, in the country preaching exchange rather than. There are a lot of projects after SARS in 2003, 2003 to 2008 period of project quantity is very high. There is no general statistics, has done a lot of projects.
The fourth stage is the repeated stage, 2009 to 2012. The characteristics of the front stage is the characteristic of market economy is very clear, is also characterized by a private enterprises to participate in the more competitive and fully. The promotion stage is the market, some officials do not agree with this, I think the market is obviously improved with efficiency.
After the 2009 financial crisis has launched four trillion, local governments have no longer need money, then do the reason PPP has not, this stage is the country back into stage. The 2010 stimulus when the stimulus does not think of it, the whole at this stage resources tend to state-owned enterprises, only the central enterprises to get the others to get. The emergence of spring door, you don't have the resources. But the other side is the central enterprises have a lot of money does not go out.
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