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Screens on the comprehensive application of water pollution treatment
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-8-22 17:17:08
Water pollution is everyone on earth attention. Water pollution is water pollution and does not allow the first removed, dangerous substances on human and animal into the water pollution. Water pollution not only damages the animal and people, they also hurt the whole community to do major damage, need to clean and repair for many years.

The problem of water pollution, affects everyone. Water pollution is caused by the devastating effect. Statistical data shows, 14000 people have died in the water every day harmful substances. The polluted water causes stomach diseases and many people died of diseases. There are enough facilities to filter water or water pollution state. Has the day, make the pollutants into water accident. Sometimes, they even do not know because they happened in remote areas.

There are many reasons for water pollution. One reason is from animal waste into the water from a stream or pond. Many times the tax breaks and water pollution caused by animal rushed into the yard. Sometimes compounds were found in the air, and the rain water mixing. Another example of oil spill is the cause of water pollution. An oil tanker hit what, at the end of the boat, let the oil into the water hole. This will cause the ecological system and regional environment difficult people.

There are two types of water pollution. The first is the point source pollution; this is the pollutants into the water from a single source can be located. Second of water pollution from non-point source, not the source from a source but many sources to work together. An example of this is fertile land. Runoff collected from several different fields and fertilizer into the water supply water pollution caused by fertilizer. Water pollution is the world continue to battle. Water treatment equipment of uninterrupted work for everyone to enjoy good clean water.

Sustainable development is a problem, the garbage crusher in industrialized countries and in the developing world, facing all development. In recent years the debate in 1992 June in Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit adopted the "twenty-first Century agenda" by new urgency. Sustainability in the global debate is believed to be the main aspects to improve human well-being, and does not damage the natural resource base, future generations will have to rely on.

However, in this document in the context of the term "sustainable", is limited in its meaning. It is used to refer to the tense relationship between development and natural environment, but also refers to the narrow context, in developing countries, water supply and sanitation services delivery. Maintaining and protecting the natural resource base is still a prerequisite for lasting service comminutor. With the world of adequate water supply and sanitation services in the development of people have occupied the mind, development experts and the government over the past 40 years has been the pursuit of. Although, a great deal has been done, a lot of money has been spent, has for decades been drinking water announced, garbage crusher and crushing grid coverage level is still insufficient. In recent years, repair a new trend has appeared in the developing world are now spending more and more money has been previously installed, but has fallen into disrepair of water services.

Most of the countries covered the figures quoted are not usually included pollution rate. The contamination rate is not accurate digital. Recovery is an embarrassment to the governments of most countries, because it means that, not only they need assistance, in order to achieve the initial project garbage crusher, but they are not able to maintain sustained, so wasted original investment.

Because of these very difficult reality exposed, it becomes more and more obvious, the development plan for sustainable development, in the beginning, is a problem to solve, if not assured sustainability money except for very short-term benefits to smaller.
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