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"The water of ten" plans to invest more than 2 trillion
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-6-12 10:18:15
Following the "air ten" ("atmospheric pollution prevention plan of action"), China has a major pollution control project - "water pollution control action plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "water of ten") will be implemented in an all-round way. "First Financial Daily" the reporter learned from the Ministry of environmental protection, the total investment is expected to exceed the draft plan of 2 yuan has been submitted to the State Council for review. 2 trillion market feast will open up.

In June 4th, the State Council Information Office held a press conference, Deputy Minister of environmental protection Li Ganjie said, the environmental protection department to formulate the introduction of "water" ten major battles to fight, the prevention and control of water pollution.

grasping both ends, with the intermediate

"Put forward specific requirements of water ten" on the water environmental protection and governance principles, objectives and tasks, the main goal is to accelerate the improvement of the water quality of the environment, protect the water environment safety, and maintenance of the water ecological system health, an official told reporters that the Ministry of environmental protection.

Understand according to the reporter, the Environmental Protection Department officially launched the "water article ten" compilation of last year. The environmental protection department officials told reporters, "ten" first called "water plan", because to and has been the introduction of "air ten" should be changed into "relative, water ten". The environmental protection department China Environmental Planning Institute is the "water of ten" compilation group of leading unit and main technical support unit.

At the beginning of this year, "water ten" Compilation Group has held a number of internal workshop and working group discussion, and asked the provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government) and the relevant departments of the State Council, Ministry of environmental protection and the opinions of each department bureau, agencies and units directly under the.

In February 13th, the environmental protection department executive meeting discussed and approved in principle the "water pollution prevention and control action plan (Draft)". This year in April, May, compiled by the Ministry of environmental protection pollution control group secretary Zhao Yingmin led, in the city of Beijing, Zhejiang Province Survey city water treatment, and the "Zhejiang Pujiang County, Jinhua City, a total of five water treatment project" interest in.

"The national water environment situation is still very grim, number of incidents involving the safety of drinking water of water environment is still a lot, in recent years, every year, more than a dozen, 5 months and 5 year ago." In June 4th Li Ganjie's office news conference said.

Department of environmental monitoring results show, in recent years, the national surface water, especially water ten watershed improvement. This year ten large river basin in the III water quality section ratio is 71.7%. IV, V class is 19.3%, bad V category is 9%, compared to 2012, 2011 were improved. Compared with 2012, better than the class III section of 2.7 percentage points, bad V category declined 1.2 percentage points. Compared with 2011, the degree of improvement is larger, better than the class III section ratio increased 10.7 percentage points, bad V category declined 4.7 percentage points.

"But the water environmental situation is very grim." Li Ganjie said, reflected in three aspects:

First, the surface water, by the bad V category water pollution accounted for a higher proportion of the country, about 10%, some even much more than the number of watershed. If the river bad V category the proportion as high as 39.1%.
Second, some river flows through the town, some ditches ponds polluted urban generally relatively heavy, and due to organic pollution, more black and foul water, affected people, high public concern, not high satisfaction.
Third, the number of emergency water environment relates to the safety of drinking water is still a lot.

At present, some of the major pollutants discharge standard of water pollutants emission limits than the water environmental quality standards for surface loose, resulting in "standard" discharge of sewage, water quality worsening.
"Due to the emission standard is too low, the traditional sewage treatment technique level A standard or B standard sewage are inferior class water, the water discharge to a few non self purification capacity of the environment, resulting in water has not been repaired, but by the pollution, so there is a 'cure the more the more dirty'." Origin water (300070.SZ) general manager Dai Richeng think.
Department of Environmental Protection released survey data show, in 2012, 62 major lakes in the ten major river systems, respectively 31% and 39% of the freshwater quality not up to the requirements of drinking water, seriously affects people's health, production and life.
Li Ganjie said, "make water of ten" main idea is "grasping both ends, with the middle": one is to do a good job of drinking water sources, water quality good to protect water quality, ensuring the quality of the water does not decline, deterioration; the other end is the bad V category to have serious pollution of water, especially the influence of the masses much public concern, the black and odorous degree high, determined to good governance, significantly reduced or even eliminated. Through the two to promote water pollution prevention and control among the general water.

The reduction of the total

In recent years, our country's modernization and industrialization process accelerating, the total discharge of waste water is also showing continued growth. 2001~2012 years, the total discharge of the wastewater from 433 tons of growth in 2001 to 2012 685 tons, 12 years increased by 252 tons, emissions of 21 tons per year of wastewater, the average annual compound growth rate of about 4.3%.
Wastewater pollution sources in China are mainly divided into the industrial sources, agricultural sources, the source of urban life, and a small amount of centralized pollution facilities emission sources, the increase of urban life sewage emissions is the main reason that wastewater emissions in China increased.
Statistical data shows the amount of the Ministry of environmental protection, urban sewage emissions in China accounted for the total discharge of waste water is increasing year by year, up from 53.2% in 2001 to 67.6% in 2012. 2001~2012 years, China's urban sewage emissions 19.4 tons annual increment, the total average annual increment of 92.2% wastewater discharge.
In three kinds of wastewater pollution source, characteristics of industrial wastewater discharge amount and pollutant content is relatively small, but many kinds of pollutants, and difficult to control, the water environment quality of pollution; rural sewage discharge characteristics is the absolute number, but as of 2010, the nationwide agricultural village sewage treatment coverage rate is less than 10%, is still in the the initial stage.
Compared with the industrial wastewater, rural sewage, urban sewage is characteristic of emissions and pollutant content of absolute, but less pollutants, control difficulty is low, treatment technology is relatively mature, the urban sewage treatment coverage has reached a certain level, the impact on water environment pollution is quantized.

Zhai Qing, Vice Minister of Ministry of environmental protection in February this year the State Council Information Office press conference on the prevention and control of water pollution in our country, there exist three problems: groundwater pollution problem has not been effectively controlled; some rivers, especially in the countryside, or the life and the people closely related to the river, branch of the river's pollution problem remains very serious in water; environmental management has many shortcomings.
"The centralized drinking water source protection of groundwater of Beijing and Tianjin area inspection report" shows, Beijing city 2/3 drinking water from underground, Tianjin city hundreds of thousands of people drinking water. But the point of high risk area of North China, non-point source pollution risks generally.
Taking Beijing as an example, the 19 designated protected areas of drinking water sources covering a population of about 13200000, about the city's resident population of 2/3, there are about 1/3 population of drinking water sources and environmental protection departments are not fully grasp.
The environmental protection department previously published data display, emissions of China's annual COD of about 24000000 tons, about 2450000 tons of ammonia emissions. "Emissions far exceeds the environmental capacity." Zhai Qing in the conference said.

Academician of the Academy of engineering, Chinese China Research Academy of Environmental Sciences Dean Meng Wei also told reporters, water environment in China COD (chemical oxygen demand) bearing capacity is 7409000 tons, but the first national pollution survey found, COD emissions to 30289600 tons, exceeding the environmental capacity of more than four times.
The environmental protection department estimates, the total amount must be reduced by 30%~50%, China's water environment will have a fundamental change.
For water pollution control effect, Zhai Qing told reporters, as long as the measures in place to work. He used the "peach blossom jellyfish" show the Songhua River treatment effect to reporters. Songhua River is about 1900 kilometers, flows through Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang and other provinces, the main river in Heilongjiang Province, about 939 kilometers, and finally into the Sino Russian boundary river in Heilongjiang. In November 13, 2005, PetroChina Jilin Petrochemical Co pairs of benzene plant explosion, caused a major water pollution incident.
After 5 years, the state invested 7840000000 yuan pollution control funds. And in accordance with the "Songhua River basin water pollution prevention plan (2006~2010)", the total arrangement of pollution control projects 222, a total investment of 13400000000 yuan.
"Songhua River basin vary greatly, the year before I went to Songhua River to see the peach blossom jellyfish, very beautiful, not seen for many years, has been restored, the peach blossom jellyfish requirements on water quality is very harsh, the water quality has been greatly improved." He said.

2 trillion feast open

The Ministry of Environmental Protection said, "the water of ten" total investment is expected to more than 2 yuan. CITIC Securities Analysis and forecast, "ten" after the introduction, starting from the elimination of inferior class water point of view, in recent years has been gradually began to municipal sewage mentioned standard renovation will be further strengthened. If we only consider the key areas of sewage treatment plant in 3 years to complete the transformation, unit investment according to the "Twelfth Five Year Plan" an average of about 525 yuan / ton estimates, the annual demand for investment or up to 10800000000 yuan.

Chinese academician, Academy of Engineering Research Center for eco environmental China researcher Qu Jiuhui told reporters, according to "" Twelfth Five Year "national urban sewage treatment and recycling facilities for construction planning" requirements, from a B to a A to improve the sewage treatment plant effluent quality.
"Ten" after the introduction, water equipment industry will face the opportunity once in a blue moon. The sewage pump as an example, the pump industry is expected in the future, with an average annual growth rate remained at around 20%. The reporter understands, this year, Zhejiang province launched the "five water co governance" (governance sewage, flood control, drainage, water supply, water conservation, grasping water-saving) in 2014 arranged 125 projects, a total investment of 468000000000 yuan, which then plans to more than 65000000000 yuan investment, the huge demand for sewage pump.

CITIC Securities Analysis and forecast, "ten" after the introduction, sludge treatment, the use of recycled water and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) segment processing will enter a rapid growth stage.
Water companies Sander group under the environment, including Sander Sander international two listed companies. The Group Chairman Wen Yibo recently said: "there is much room for improvement, the scale of investment will reach hundreds of billions of yuan."
Wen Yibo said, small cities and towns will become an important market for sewage treatment, including improving and the new network, the new sewage treatment facilities and upgrading, construction of centralized sewage treatment plant and decentralized sewage treatment facilities for sewage treatment facilities do not meet, the town and key towns all have the capacity of sewage treatment, sewage treatment capacity to achieve 85%, the focus of the town reached about 75%.

Sander is expected to environmental business sales income can reach 10000000000 yuan, a year ahead of schedule to achieve the original target. He is expected to, from the current business situation, next year the group environmental business will achieve 13000000000 ~150 billion in revenue.
The reporter learned from the Asian Development Bank, Chinese government will soon introduce a "water of ten" has also aroused great concern of the international consortium, some foreign companies and consortia have stepped into the China quality standard.
At the end of last year, ADB and Beijing enterprises water group announced in Beijing, common in the promotion of development China high standards of sewage treatment project, in order to make the treated sewage can be used as a new source of water in industrial cooling and city environment, be recycled. It is expected that in 2019, the project annual compliance of sewage treatment will reach 6 tons, the sewage will be used for industrial cooling and city landscape irrigation.

It is understood, according to the "water of ten" of the request, our country will increase the sewage fee collection standards and expand the range of pollution charges, will be included in the cost of sludge treatment and disposal of sewage treatment.
At the same time, will accelerate the development of heavy polluted water remediation, drinking water treatment, trace toxic substances of groundwater and surface water pollution synergetic control key common technology, water ecological target management etc.. At the appointed time, water-saving technological transformation and water-saving products, water pollution control and governance efficiency technology will benefit.
China will also promote the upgrading of production and pollution prevention equipment, choose a batch of advanced technology, stable and effective, economical and applicable environmental protection equipment, subsidies to users, procurement services in rural village sewage treatment technology, urban sludge treatment and disposal technology, industry clean production and recycling technology, livestock and poultry breeding and pollution cleaning prevention and control technology, aquaculture and other key technology application.

"The current industrial pollution control in our country still use the 'polluter, who control' ideas, by the sewage enterprises self governance problems." The National Association of industry and Commerce Environment Association Secretary General Luo Jianhua think, in the world, industrial emissions generally use third party governance model, namely the sewage enterprises in the form of the contract to pay the pollution by the professional environmental protection company governance.

Luo Jianhua thinks, the implementation of third party governance, on one hand enterprises discharge because of the use of professional management to reduce the management cost, improve the standard discharge rate; on the one hand the government law enforcement departments because of regulatory focus control and reduce the cost of law enforcement; in addition, also stimulated the development of environmental protection enterprises and industries. Is one.
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