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Fujian Xiamen Yundang lake comprehensive treatment of sewage interception project has been fully ope
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-4-14 13:26:06
Yundang lake after trail widening, broken links, pledging a series of seat upgrade at the same time, the Lake sewage interception and deodorant has made new progress. Yesterday, reporter learned from the municipal construction unit leader, Yuandang Lake in the comprehensive improvement of the South Bank of the sewage interception project has been fully opened, the new sewage pipeline is expected this built.

At the same time, the core project of sewage pipe network water east deodorization has been laid, and the North last station also in the building, the other built station has electrical test.

sewage East Lu Ling Lu East network shop

"Yundang lake has more than 30 flood inflow, with the surrounding the rapid development, capacity of sewage daily volume has far exceeded the sewage treatment plant." The comprehensive improvement of the relevant person in charge, because of this, as the core project of Yuandang lake comprehensive treatment, how to put the stone Wei head sewage plant these difficult to bearing sewage east to convention and Exhibition Center, become the key.

After a series of coordinated process, the main pipe was finally officially opened. "East cadre pipe from the North Hubin Road to Lu Ling Lu, Qian Pu area received again, now in the two ends of the laying of a few hundred meters." The responsible person said, through the pipeline, Yundang North Hunan daily about 100000 tons of sewage intercepting sewage pumping station can be directly through the Lian Yue Road and North Hubin Road intersection, and transferred to the Shi Wei head of the sewage treatment plant.

However, responsible person also said, because at present the Lu Ling Lu Jiahe Road area in the huge traffic, and laying pipelines need to dig the road, a greater impact, at present still further coordination, the completion date is uncertain, but as soon as possible to promote.

shore sewage interception new sewage pipe with completion scheduled for this month

In addition to the East cadre tube, in the South Bank of Yuandang lake, the construction unit is the road to Sai section along the green belt, the new shop a sewage pressure pipe. "The south many sewage pipe network aging, seriously damaged, the stem pipe can well solve the sewage problem here."

"The pipeline length of 1500 meters, 1.2 meters in diameter, sewage capability, has completed more than 1000 meters." Site construction personnel, as part of the dry pipe, also in the New South No. 8 and No. 12 sewage pumping station, which will flow into the pipe sewage pumped directly into the Yundang sewage treatment plant, in accordance with the construction schedule, is expected this month the stem tube can be spread.

According to the Yuandang Lake Trail improvement plan, the pipeline after the completion of the above, in the green belt in the transformation of a tree lined trail, and re covered with green belt, landscape transformation.

north shore sewage interception more sewage pumping station has been test run

At the same time, Yundang lake on the north shore of the sewage interception project is also a substantial progress. According to the regulation of organ, the north shore of the lake along the green belt in the north to the new No. 2, No. 4, No. 9, No. 11 and, in a sewage pumping station. At present, in addition to nearby Yuandang streets 11 drainage ditch pump station, the station has been built, and electrical test, began cutting pollution. "No. 11 sewage pumping station to connect the bridge until 11, built after the flood discharge trench to continue construction." Construction unit responsible person introduced, the bridge will be completed in May, when 11 pumping stations, the north shore of wastewater will achieve full closure.

In addition, Yundang lake comprehensive rectification works also for each drainage Mizoguchi install deodorizing device, the next will also increase lake water tidal volume, through the transformation of guide walls and installation of automatic control gate, to two hole Nachao, three drainage, in order to enhance the water power, enliven the water. When the series after the completion of the project, Yundang Lake smell will be the biggest improvement.
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